
{It's Bound!}

I've actually bound my journal! FINALLY! Now I can just work on my inside pages and it'll be ready to go. I've bound in 64 pages, so each of you can have 4-6 pages or 2-3 spreads to work on. The cover's a little busy...I went kinda crazy! It's 8 in. by 8 in.

I am really excited about this project. It's going to be so fun!


Catalina said...

looks great!!!!!

Ursula Achten said...

Wow Dawn, I really like your cover!!!

Di said...

Looks fabulous!! Mine is black on the outside and fairly blank on the inside - but I am working on that!! It's only about 20cm by 15cm but everyone can have 6 or so double pages at least!! Not clever enough to make my own - it's just a Moleskine sketchbook!

O L G A said...

I am longing to contribute to your GREAT-looking journal ...and to see what you´ll do inside of it!

Dawn D. Sokol said...

Aww, thanks!
