
How is everybody doing?

It would be great if everybody gave news about the journals :)

I'm still working on Sia's and Di's pages. And waiting to receive another journal. Keep going please! only few months to have our journals back.


Dawn D. Sokol said...

I am running behind with Marianne's but am working on it when I can...hope to have it out to Caty next week...

Still working on Sia's and Di's pages...

Catalina said...

Thank you Dawn!

Sia working on mine...? :)

TopChamp said...

I have been completely rubbish. I have a load of Brownie projects on the go as well as starting new teaching and having house guests so haven't actually done the work I wanted to over Easter.

BUT I have Sunday and Monday which I have deliberately kept clear for some journalling. (is it journalling or journelling?)

Sorry for the delay.