
running late....

I must apologise for taking so long on Dawn's journal.
I have been caught up finishing the class art work( that's a detail from it in the picture). It is almost complete now, so I promise that this weekend I will finish my pages and send it on to Joei.
Hope you are all well and happy!


Here is a picture directly out of my camera
taken in the dark evening
of one of the pages I made in Uschis journal.
Ojalá, I will mail it to you Di tomorrow Monday.
(SORRY, I am late!!)




almost finished my pages in Dawn's journal.....and then off it will go once more.....



I'm really sorry to tell you, that Caty's journal didn't yet arrive....

but I'm really happy, how we all work now!!

it's so much fun to see all your wonderful journals!!
